The Desert of California Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine Inc. is a fraternal organization composed of men committed to providing an environment of friendship and fellowship, regardless of age. As Nobles we strive to implement innovative ideas, facilitate positive change and plan for the future, while working cohesively with our Masonic family and communities.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, as citizens, to conduct ourselves with due propriety, conforming to our established laws, in cooperation with our nation and its authorized officials.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, to maintain exacting high standards in our respective community life, that "DEMOCRACY" may become a living reality.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, to the promotion, along with other thoughtful citizens, of modern and practical legislation enacted by any government agency, that will redound to the benefit of our "AMERICAN" way of life.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, to support duly constituted authority for the elimination of anti-social conditions, wherever found to exist, that we and all other people may enjoy a rich, round and full life.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, to morally support and encourage every social agency, that has for its purpose the maintenance of the highest ideals of the people of the nation.
WE PLEDGE OURSELVES, to cooperate fully in disseminating "TRUTH", among the people of the earth, to the end that "DEMOCRACY" shall prevail forever, and the peace of every nation be preserved.